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The Holocaust

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Useful LC Subject Headings

Eichmann, Adolf
Goebbels, Joseph
Goring, Hermann
Himmler, Heinrich
Hitler, Adolf
Holocaust denial
Holocaust, Jewish, 1939 1945
Holocaust, Jewish, 1939 1945-causes
Jews--legal status, laws, etc 
Jews, European
Nazi propaganda
Neutrality United States
Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals
Propaganda, German-history-20th century
Speer, Albert
World War 1939 1945--Germany
World War 1939 1945--causes
World War 1939 1945--propaganda

Useful LC Call Numbers

D752.8 United States. Neutrality
D753 General works on WWII
D804 World War II Atrocities: Holocaust
D804.355 Holocaust denial
D805.5 Holocaust. Individual prison camps
D810 .J4 World War II: Jews. Histories
DD244 Germany. Biographies. Public men
DD247 Germany. Individual biographies
DD256 Germany. World War II  
DS135 Jews outside Palestine
DS143 Jewish identity
DS145 Antisemitism
DS146 Antisemitism by region
E744 US diplomatic history. 20th century
E806 Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration
GN539 Social and Cultural Anthropology.Indo-European
GN547 Social and Cultural Anthropology. Semitic. Jewish
JX1416 International law 1900-1945

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