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Alternative medicine Acupuncture Acupressure Anthroposophy Aromatherapy Biofeedback (Psychology) Chiropractic Color therapy Diet fads Eclecticism Electric stimulation therapy Homeopathy Imagery Kinesiology, applied Massage Medicine, traditional Medicine, Arabic Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, herbal Medicine, oriental traditional Medicine, traditional Medicine, traditional--Africa Meditation Mental healing Mind-Body relations Moxibustion Music therapy Naturopathy Organotherapy Radiesthesia Reflexotherapy Rejuvenation Relaxation techniques Religion and health Threapeutic touch |
WB 369 | Acupuncture, Moxibustion | |
WB 391 | Organotherapy | |
WB 430 | Vegetarianism | |
WB 435 | Electric stimulation therapy | |
WB 449 | Diet fads | |
WB 880 | Mental healing | |
WB 537 | Massage, acupressure | |
WB 550 | Music therapy | |
WB 880 | Mental healing, mind-body relations | |
WB 885 | Faith healing | |
WB 890 | Alternative medicine | |
WB 903 | Anthroposophy | |
WB 905 | Chiropractic | |
WB 920 | Eclecticism | |
WB 925 | Herbal medicine, aromatherapy | |
WB 930 | Homeopathy | |
WB 935 | Naturopathy | |
WB 940 | Osteopathy | |
WB 960 | Radiesthesia | |
WB 962 | Reflexotherapy | |
WL 103 | Biofeedback |