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Welcome to the Kettering College Library Bioethics LibGuide!

This LibGuide identifies tools and resources for researching topics in Bioethics .

Use the tabs above to browse the various tools and resources available.

Below you will find information and links to resources that will help you  with the research process.

Off-Campus Access, Logins, Passwords, and ID#s

When accessing resources through the campus wifi or off-campus, a login screen will display. To login:

Students: use your Student Portal login and password

Faculty and staff: use your network login and password


To request items from another library, you will be asked to enter your ID#.

Students: use your student ID# 

Faculty and staff: use your network login without the k


When requesting items through OhioLINK, you will be asked to select your institution.

Select: Wright State University


Writing Resources

Avoiding Plagiarism


Database Tutorials

Want to know more about using a particular database? Click the link for the database you want to explore.

Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
Kathy Salgado
Kettering College Library
3737 Southern Blvd.
Kettering, OH 45429
937.395.8053 x6