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Welcome to the Kettering College Library Biology LibGuide!

This LibGuide identifies tools and resources for researching topics in Biology.

Use the tabs above to browse the various tools and resources available.

Below you will find information and links to resources that will help you  with the research process.

Off-Campus Access, Logins, Passwords, and ID#s

When accessing resources through the campus wifi or off-campus, a login screen will display. To login:

Students: use your Student Portal login and password

Faculty and staff: use your network login and password


To request items from another library, you will be asked to enter your ID#.

Students: use your student ID# 

Faculty and staff: use your network login without the k


When requesting items through OhioLINK, you will be asked to select your institution.

Select: Wright State University


Writing Resources

Writng in the Sciences

Avoiding Plagiarism


Database Tutorials

Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
Kathy Salgado
Kettering College Library
3737 Southern Blvd.
Kettering, OH 45429
937.395.8053 x6